Cost to Hire a Hitman – Havocscope

Listed below is the reported price of contract killings paid out to the hitmen by organized crime groups and individuals. The prices of the hit are collected from publicly available news reports, academic studies and other public sources.

Click on the dollar figure to see the story behind how the hitman was hired and other information.


IAmA former credit card fraudster, identity thief, hacker and document forger. AMA

From 2001 to 2004 I was an identity thief and carder (credit card fraud). I primarily used hacked credit cards to buy goods that I’d resell for massive profits.

I started by selling fake IDs at college. I dropped out because I hated school and was making too much money to stay. I built up a small network of resellers at my school and others. When I found carding one of my resellers took over my ID business. Later he worked for me with the fraud stuff, eventually leading to my capture (more about that later). By the end I was printing my own credit cards and using them at retail stores to buy laptops, gift cards, etc which I resold on eBay.

I did a lot of other related crime too. I hacked a number of sites for their credit card databases. I sold my fake IDs and credit cards online. I was very active in carding / fraud forums, such as ShadowCrew (site taken down by Operation Firewall). I was working on getting into ATM skimming when I was caught. I had bought some electronics kits with the intention of buying an ATM and rigging it to capture data.

I was caught in December 2004. I had gone to a Best Buy with the associate mentioned above to buy a laptop. The manager figured out something was up. Had I been alone I would have talked my way out but my “friend” wasn’t a good social engineer like I was. He was sweating, shifting around, generally doing everything you shouldn’t do in that situation. Eventually the manager walked to the front of the store with the fake credit card and ID, leaving us behind. We booked it. The police ended up running his photo on the cable news network, someone turned him in and he turned me in.

After getting caught I worked with the secret service for 2 years. I was the biggest bust they had seen in western NY and they wanted to do an op investigating the online underground. They knew almost nothing. I taught them how the online underground economy worked, techniques to investigate / track / find targets, “hacker” terminology, etc.

I ended up getting time served (~2 weeks while waiting for bail), 3 years probation, and $210k restitution.

My website has some links to interviews and talks I’ve done. I do all my interviews and conference talks for free to help make up for what I did.

Go ahead, AMA. I’ve yet to find an on topic question I wouldn’t answer.

Watch The Lookout on ABC tonight, 10pm ET, to see an interview with me about skimming.

I will be answering questions off and on until midnight.

EDIT: Thanks for the questions, time for bed.


Reflexion: Lynette Fromme’s Story of Her Life with Charles Manson 1967 — 1969

“You likely heard about the murders. This book is what happened before and after them along California’s beaches and bluffs, San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury, the redwoods, Topanga Canyon, Beverly Hills, the Santa Susana Mountains, and the outback of the Mojave Desert. It’s about the Charles Manson I perceived, and a gathering of people preparing to survive either a revolution, or the static institutions that were systematically trading all of our vital necessities for money.” — Lynette Fromme, 2018- Goodreads


The Shadow Over Santa Susana: Black Magic, Mind Control and the “Manson Family” Mythos


In The Shadow Over Santa Susana, Adam Gorightly takes his readers on a black magic carpet ride from the Hollywood “Beautiful People” scene of the late 60’s through to the vast desert landscapes of a Death Valley gone mad—with all the love-ins and creepy-crawls that happened along the way. Buy this book and blow your mind!Goodreads


The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation Into a Dangerous Satanic Cult


On August 10, 1977, the NYPD arrested David Berkowitz for the “Son of Sam” murders that had terrorized New York City for more than 13 months. Berkowitz confessed to being a lone murderer — one who had carried out eight senseless shooting with a .44 caliber Bulldog revolver. The case was officially closed. Journalist Maury Terry was suspicious of Berkowitz’s confession, convinced as he gathered corroborating evidence throughout the years, that Berkowitz did not act alone. In this investigative story, first published in 1987, Terry details the chilling events, proving that Berkowitz was an affiliate of — and triggerman for — a Satanic cult known as the Process Church of the Final Judgment, a far-reaching organization that is connected to other ritual slayings across the country. Updated wtih Berkowitz’s recent confirmations from his prison cell, Terry untangles the web of information and shocking extent of the Process Church’s activities. Includes black-and-white photographs. – Goodreads

Sinister Forces


Review from Thoma Ligoti Online

Hi All –

Long time lurker, first time poster. I just wanted to say that I’ve recently finished Sinister Forces, an absolutely marvelous trilogy of history, cultural criticism, and metaphysics by the curious author Peter Levenda. It’s a book which reads like how it is – an enthusiastic, well-employed, world-traveling man spent 25 years researching a 2000 page masterwork all about the American government’s role in mind control, the influence of religion and the occult on mind control, and how the bizarre antics of serial killers, shamans, and other fringe elements fit into one horrifying larger picture. It’s long, sloppy, dense, fantastic, and addictively readable. Oh, and there are also some very significant detours into quantum psychology.

It’s a bit heavy going at first, with isolated strands leaping in and out of a patchwork narrative of what feels like ALL OF WRITTEN HUMAN HISTORY, but by the third volume you’re grateful for the information overload, as it really does all tie together. Written in a style somewhere between Lovecraft and The Economist, the books feel better-written and more imaginative than most works of fiction; Norman Mailer, in the introduction to the first volume of the series, asserts that Sinister Forces supplies an endless source of inspiration for spy novels and other such things, which is perhaps an ideal way to approach the material. I think we’re all fairly intelligent people here who understand that the American government (and the related military-industrial complex) has embroiled itself in all manner of utterly unethical, immoral enterprises, so while individual revelations will no doubt shock the reader, the political landscape should be relatively familiar; but, if you approach the book perhaps as it ought to be approached, less like a history lesson and more like an intricately designed entry point to a new lens through which we can view civilization, then the real joys of the work come through. The world is a frightening, interconnected world where “coincidence” is not mere coincidence and evil is all around us, operating on levels beyond the comprehension of those supposedly in charge.

The focus of Sinister Forces is difficult to explain; it’s not an especially “professional” book, but it is rather rich, intelligent, and idiosyncratic. Levenda begins by tracing the founding of America to the white cultists who settled there, and those before them, such as the Arawaks, and their various occult interests. We also examine strange burial mounds in haunted Kentucky, from ancient peoples who, by all accounting, appear to predate the natives whom the whites had met centuries later. We then dive into the records of MKULTRA, ARTICHOKE, Operation Paperclip, Wandering Bishops, Jonestown, the OTO, Aleister Crowley, Frank Olson, the Manson Murders, the Kennedy assassinations (Jack and Bobby both!), and much, much, much, much, much more. There’s also some nonsense about UFOs – well, maybe not nonsense, but it doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of the book, except when we start discussing disinformation campaigns. Still, it’s a minor complaint.

Levenda’s material has enough power as an ostensibly factual resource, although little errors here and there undermine its authority. I’m a film nerd who works in the film industry, so when someone gets a bit of film trivia wrong, I notice, and while it’s hardly that important to remember that, say, William Peter Blatty, and not William Friedkin, directed Exorcist III (Jeffery Dahmer’s favorite movie), or that, despite rumors to the contrary, Anton LaVey had nothing to do with Rosemary’s Baby, the sloppiness evinced over even a minor detail makes it difficult to buy some of the other amazing assertions dropped here and there. TrineDay, the publisher, is a small, overworked house who no doubt have to strain to publish anything, let alone meticulously fact check a 2000 page masterwork, but the books deserve better.

As it stands, however, even if we cannot trust completely the factual rigor of Sinister Forces, so much of its individual bits are true, and its bibliography is so thoughtfully enormous, that it has tremendous value still – and especially on the level of, as Mailer suggests, a fountain of ideas for fictional explorations of similar ideas. And as the books wind down from an extended history lesson to a question of non-local activity on the quantum level and what this might have to do with psychology and trance states, it’s best to let go of the handlebars and let Levenda take you on one hell of a ride. You also begin to appreciate how Levenda constructs what winds up being a remarkably coherent and plausible argument: by barraging you with inter-related factual narratives until you are adrift, until he throws you a line and reels you back into familiar waters.

Or something.

In summation, the Sinister Forces trilogy, despite some quibbles over length, organization, and a little sloppiness (which can be chalked up to limited resources and a not the integrity of Peter Levenda), is pretty dang great. Highly recommended for the adventurous, patient reader.

Levenda’s previous books comprise the equally fascinating Unholy Alliance (a theatrical but well-researched survey of the occult aspect of Nazism) and the Simon Necronomicon (unread by me).


Google ‘The Process Church of the Final Judgment’ and you will discover a long list of lurid conspiracy theories. The cult has been accused of being the inspiration for Charles Manson’s ‘crimes of the century’, influencing the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, and being the root of the notorious Son of Sam serial killings.

Formed in 1960s England, many of its members were drawn from wealthy families and aristocracy. Newspapers branded them the ‘Mindbenders in Mayfair’ and ‘The Devil’s Disciples’. Ever since, members of The Process have adopted a secretive stance.

Only now, have former members of the inner circle agreed to reveal the truth behind the conspiracy theories, and open up about their beliefs, rituals, and the closely guarded secret of the real power behind it all.

The film gets behind the veils of the cult and tracks their journey from their formation in London’s prestigious Mayfair district, through wilderness experiences in Mexico, flirtations with pop royalty, and their spread state-side that resulted in them being ‘christened’ ‘One of the most dangerous satanic cults in America’.

With contributions from leading former members of the cult, and insights from filmmaker John Waters (who encountered the cult whilst living in New Orleans) George Clinton (who included Process writings on his Funkadelic albums). Plus artist Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, and renowned authors Gary Lachman, Robert Irwin, Gaia Servadio (who infiltrated the group in 1966), and Manson biographer Simon Wells.

Featuring the music of Funkadelic and electronic sounds by Nicholas Bullen.