The big environmental costs of rising demand for big data to power the internet

The big environmental costs of rising demand for big data to power the internet

The rise of artificial intelligence is requiring faster and bigger computations for even simple tasks compared to, say, a Google search. It’s adding to the demand for more internet data centers, but these facilities come at a big environmental cost, especially for the communities that host them. Science journalist Sachi Kitajima Mulkey joins Ali Rogin to discuss.


‘What if there just is no solution?’ How we are all in denial about the climate crisis

In his new book, Tad DeLay suggests there is no rosy roadmap to go forward – but there are things we can do

Supporters of the Fridays for Future climate action movement protest in Berlin before June 2024’s EU parliamentary elections. Photograph: Omer Messinger/Getty Images
Supporters of the Fridays for Future climate action movement protest in Berlin before June 2024’s EU parliamentary elections. Photograph: Omer Messinger/Getty Images









You are in denial about the climate crisis. We all are, argues the American scholar Tad DeLay. Right-wing climate deniers are not the only ones with a problem, he says when we speak in early June after the release of his book, Future of Denial. For denial doesn’t only amount to rejecting the evidence, he argues – it also consists of denying our role in the climate crisis; absolving ourselves through “carbon offsets, hybrid cars, local purchases, recycling”. And in this, far more of us are implicated.



‘The big story of the 21st century’: is this the most shocking documentary of the year?

There’s no doctrine for what we’re going through right now. It’s just capitalism’ … a scene from The Grab. Photograph: Magnolia
There’s no doctrine for what we’re going through right now. It’s just capitalism’ … a scene from The Grab. Photograph: Magnolia

Six years in the making, jaw-dropping new film The Grab shows a secret scramble by governments and private firms to buy up global resources,