“He was mastered by the sheer surging of life, the tidal wave of being, the perfect joy of each separate muscle, joint, and sinew in that it was everything that was not death, that it was aglow and rampant, expressing itself in movement, flying exultantly under the stars.” ― Jack London, The Call of the Wild.
We call this phase around Our star 2020. A cycle that has revealed cracks and fissures within leviathan. We have seen its devastating effects upon our home with raging fires that destroy and corrupt our lungs. We have seen the truth of its strength as society came to a global stand still from a microscopic virus, created by the conditions We choose to exploit Our fellow earthlings in. We have watched as those who “lead” Us profit from playing our differences against one another, only caring about their own self-interest. 2020 is screaming at Us that We are all vulnerable under Leviathans rule and all will fall under its devastating weight. The questions that remain, are we strong enough to stand against it? Are we too late?
The Night Forest Cell of Radical Poets is once again sounding the war cry. Calling to those who inhabit the forest with Us, Our friends of old, and those who may be wandering and want to join, to submit to Journal 3. To anarchists of every kind, to free thinkers, urban primitives, techno pagans, nihilists, eco warriors, vegans, rebels, outsiders, artists, writers, photographers, and anyone else who hears the call of the forest in their soul; JOIN US!
For this issue We are looking for 2020. Your thoughts, experiences, words, poems, stories, essays, other writings, drawings, paintings, photographs, etc. Whatever you have that captures, explains, encases, destroys this critical year for You. For those poets amongst You, We are particularly interested in exploring nursery rhymes for the modern age and creating a special section for this, however, We still want Your other works too.
So, the nitty-gritty: We are happy to receive whatever submission you want to share, but we will only be publishing up to 3 pieces within the Journal itself per person. Anything else we like – with your approval – will be published to our blog. When sending poetry, please include any structure or formatting it may have. Otherwise it may be published differently to your intentions. Please remember, we are also a small team, spread across the planet in a crazy year, but we will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. Just give us a nudge otherwise.
The Forest is stirring, the beat builds, Our lungs fill. On the wind We can hear horns of change blowing. Calling Us together. A time that will forever shape the earth beneath Us is upon Us. And Our howl IS coming too! Be part of Our tribe, Our family and let Us share our existence with the trees.
End of Submissions will be 21st December 2020. We will look to publish Journal 3 in January/February 2021; however, the exact date is down to our discretion. So, get creative beautiful earthlings, and stand with us.
Love, peace, and oblivion
Phen, Julian, Okty, Chloe, Liz
LINK: https://nightforestpoetry.wordpress.com/2020/07/10/a-call-to-howl/
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