‘I didn’t see him show up’: Ex-Googlers blast ‘AI godfather’ Geoffrey Hinton’s silence on fired AI experts

Former colleagues say the machine learning pioneer failed to support them when they warned that AI could harm marginalized people.Former colleagues say the machine learning pioneer failed to support them when they warned that AI could harm marginalized people.

A Computer Generated Swatting Service Is Causing Havoc Across America

A Computer Generated Swatting Service Is Causing Havoc Across America

As the U.S. deals with a nationwide swatting wave, Motherboard has traced much of the activity to a particular swatting-as-a-service account on Telegram. Torswats uses synthesized voices to pressure law enforcement to specific locations.

LINK: https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7z8be/torswats-computer-generated-ai-voice-swatting

Hundreds of teenagers flood into downtown Chicago, smashing car windows, prompting police response

Hundreds of teenagers flooded into Downtown Chicago on Saturday night, smashing car windows, trying to get into Millennium Park, and prompting a major police response. A woman whose car was smashed by people jumping on the windshield said her husband was beaten as he sat in the driver’s seat. Police were escorting tourists and others back to their cars in the Millennium Park garage.

Colorado River Rights Snatched up by Investors Betting on Scarcity

The water in the Colorado River is becoming an increasingly desirable investment target for private investment companies as it is becoming an increasingly scarce natural resource in the American West. One of the most significant landowners in the Grand Valley is an investment company called Water Asset Management, which is based in New York and has made at least $20 million worth of investments in Western Colorado over the course of the past five years.

Colorado River Rights Snatched up by Investors Betting on Scarcity


Climate Change, Collapse, and Modernity with Dougald Hine

Bruno Latour's 'Facing Gaia' with Tim Howles

This episode I’m joined by writer Dougald Hine to discuss his book At Work in the Ruins.

Book link: https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/at-work-in-the-ruins/


The Savage Reservation

Refusing the Total SystemThe Savage Reservation

Did you eat something that didn’t agree with you?’ asked Bernard.

The Savage nodded. ‘I ate civilisation.’

The Machine is like an exotic gemstone unveiled before us, laid out on a cloth of black velvet. At first we gasp, then we wonder. What is this miracle? Where did it come from? Who made it? It glisters in the daylight in ways which our best artists cannot capture. The Machine glisters and it makes promises.

I will save you, it says. And then: I will become you. Entwined, we will go forward together. We have always been together. You need me.